Male Factor Infertility

Our doctors combine cutting-edge treatments with a compassionate, personalized approach to help you overcome male factor infertility.

Infertility isn’t a woman’s issue. In fact, it’s estimated that up to half of all infertility cases are due to male infertility. That means you’re not alone — and at Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago, we promise to deliver a treatment plan that gives you the best possible outcome.

Male Factor Fertility

Diagnosis and Treatment for Male Infertility

 To identify male factor infertility, we always start with a semen analysis. The results from that test will help us know whether further testing should be done so that ultimately, we can create an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you.

Semen Analysis: What We’re Looking For

The most important parameters in a semen analysis are:
  • Concentration (often called “count”) – how many sperm are in each ml of semen?
  • Motility – what percent of them are swimming forward?
  • Morphology – what percent of them are normally shaped?

Testing for Varicocele

We may refer male patients to a urologist to assess whether they have a correctable condition called a varicocele. However, correcting a varicocele — which is a surgical procedure — may not improve semen quality enough to change the fertility treatment required to achieve pregnancy.

Treatment Options

Clomid: Some men with relatively mild sperm abnormalities have been treated with Clomid tablets in an attempt to improve the semen. According to published medical literature, Clomid for the male sometimes can improve the sperm count or motility. Intra-Uterine Insemination: For men with moderately low sperm counts and/or motility, we’ll often recommend IUI for several months, before moving on to IVF with ICSI. IVF/ICSI: ICSI is a very effective method to fertilize eggs in the IVF lab . It’s a fancy way of saying “inject sperm into egg.”

Choose AFCC for Male Fertility Care in Chicago

Ready to take the next step toward your path to parenthood? Our male fertility doctors are here to answer all your questions and concerns so that you can move forward with confidence. Contact Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago today for more information about male fertility care or to schedule a consultation at one of our fertility clinics in Chicago, Downers Grove, or Gurnee, IL.


We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have so that you feel completely confident when taking the first step toward building your family.

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