Become an Egg Donor in Chicago

Whether you’re donating your eggs or seeking eggs from a donor, we can help.

Why Donate Your Eggs?

Some women may require donor eggs if they are unable to conceive using their own due to  age, early menopause, poor egg quality, or cancer treatments that affected their ovaries. Additionally, LGBTQ+ couples, particularly cisgender gay males, may use donor eggs to have children since they are unable to produce eggs themselves.

Egg Donor Requirements

At the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (AFCC), the health and safety of our egg donors and the babies produced from their eggs is our top priority. Please ensure you meet the following criteria before applying to be an egg donor:

  • Age between 21 and 31
  • Healthy BMI (below 30)
  • No history of drug use
  • Non-smoker
  • No genetic disorders
  • No sexually transmitted diseases
  • Good reproductive health
  • Not using hormonal IUDs, implants, or injections for birth control
  • Able to commit to the process and keep appointments
If you meet these requirements, you can fill out and submit our egg donor application, which includes questions about your medical history and personal characteristics.

Egg Donor Screening

The screening process for our egg donor program is extremely in-depth to ensure the best health outcomes for all parties involved. If we accept your application, we’ll coordinate evaluations of your general health, reproductive health, genetics, and psychology.

Egg Donor Compensation

At AFCC, we believe that egg donors should be properly compensated for their time and effort. Our program offers egg donors between $7,000 to $9,000 for each completed cycle.

The Egg Donation Process

The egg donation process involves synchronizing your cycle with the cycle of the egg recipient. Then, you’ll self-inject fertility medications to produce and mature multiple egg follicles. You’ll come to our facility for frequent follicle monitoring. Once we’ve determined your eggs are the right size, you’ll receive a trigger shot, which sets the stage for your retrieval. Guided by ultrasound, our doctors will gently suction your eggs from your ovaries using an aspirating needle and a very thin catheter. The entire process typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and you’ll be lightly sedated.

Egg Donor FAQ

Will being a donor impact my fertility?

Donating eggs will not affect your future ability to have biological children. Each month, your body naturally gets rid of eggs during ovulation. The egg donation process involves retrieving these additional eggs your body would have otherwise discarded.

Will the recipients know who I am?

While those looking for egg donors will know your age, general health, education, etc., they will not receive any identifying information about you. Your identity will remain anonymous throughout the entire process.

Can I donate more than once?

Yes! If all goes well during your first cycle, you can donate again. Egg donors can donate up to six times.

Become an Egg Donor with AFCC in Chicago