Reproductive Endocrinologist & Infertility Specialist

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Meet Infertility Specialist Michelle Catenacci, M.D.

Dr. Michelle Catenacci was born and raised outside of Detroit, Michigan. She went to medical school at Wayne State University in Detroit and then moved to Ohio for post-graduate training.

Her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology was done at MetroHealth Medical Center/Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio. She then stayed at the Cleveland Clinic to complete a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

She is board-certified in both Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

An experienced minimally invasive surgeon

Dr. Michelle Catenacci has had extensive training in the most up-to-date minimally invasive surgical techniques with experience in operative hysteroscopy for treatment of fibroids, uterine septums, and uterine adhesions. She is experienced with both traditional laparoscopy and robotic surgery in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

“I was fortunate to train with some of the leaders in reproductive surgery,” says Dr. Michelle Catenacci. “Having such a strong surgical background is becoming more unusual in our field. I find it rewarding to be able to tackle challenging cases in the operating room.”

In addition to laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Michelle Catenacci has had significant experience in tubal reanastamosis. “I understand that IVF may not be for all patients and I feel that this is an important service to offer our patients.”

Dr. Michelle Catenacci Profile


Catenacci M, Flyckt RL, Falcone T. Robotic indications in reproductive surgery: strengths and limitations. Placenta 2011;32:S232-7.

Catenacci M, Goldberg J. Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy. Semin Reprod Med 2011;29:95-100. Escobar PF, Starks D, Fader AN, Catenacci M, Falcone T. Laparoendoscopic single-site and natural orifice surgery in gynecology. Fertil Steril 2010;94:2497-2502

Catenacci M, Falcone T. Surgical management options for patients with infertility and endometriosis. Current Women’s Health Reviews 2010;6:161-6

Catenacci M, Sastry S, Falcone T. Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2009;52:351-61

Catenacci M, Falcone T. The effect of endometriosis on in vitro fertilization outcomes. Minerva Ginecologica 2008;60:209-221

Book Chapters

Catenacci M,

Bedient C, Falcone T. Use of robotics in reproductive surgery. In Human Assisted Reproductive Technology: Future Trends in Laboratory and Clinical Practice. Gardner DK, Rizk B, Falcone T (Eds), Cambridge University Press, UK. 2010 Goldberg JM, Catenacci M. Female fertility, Implication to management of male factor. In Male Infertility: Problems and Solutions. Sabanegh E (Ed), Humana Press, New York. 2010


  • Laparoscopic Assisted Myomectomy. American Society of Reproductive Medicine; Video Presentation: October 2011 Conference, Orlando FL. Honorable Mention in Technical Achievement
  • Effect of myomectomy on in vitro fertilization outcomes. American Society of Reproductive Medicine; Oral Presentation: October 2010 Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Robotically assisted tubal anastomosis. American Society of Reproductive Medicine; Oral Presentation: October 2010 Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Single port surgery for removal of an adnexal cyst. American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists; Video Presentation: November 2010 Conference, Hollywood, FL.
  • Laparoscopic technique for removal of a retroperitoneal pubic bone mucinous cystadenoma. American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists; Video Presentation: November 2009 Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Reproductive outcomes after hysteroscopic metroplasty; Cleveland OB/GYN society; Oral Presentation: May 2009, Cleveland, OH.

Abstracts at Scientific Meetings

  • Assessment of hyaluronic acid for selecting sperm with low DNA fragmentation. M Catenacci, R Chase, J Goldberg, N Desai. Pacific Coast Reproductive Society annual meeting: April 2012. Palm Springs, CA. Second Place Poster Award.
  • Robotically Assisted Ovarian Transplantation. E Baraket, M Bedaiwy, M Catenacci, L Carvalho, C Biscotti, T Falcone. American Society of Reproductive Medicine annual meeting: October 2010. Denver, CO. Oral Presentation.
  • Robotically Assisted Ovarian Transplantation. M Bedaiwy, E Baraket, M Catenacci, L Carvalho, T Falcone. American Society of Reproductive Medicine annual meeting: October 2010. Denver, CO. Video Presentation.


Dr. Michelle Catenacci has been involved in several research programs:
  • Using an operative robot for tissue transplantation after cyropreservation. Sheep ovarian tissue was cryopreserved and then thawed for transplantation. Viability of ovarian tissue was latter assessed. This was the first study using the surgical robot for this procedure.
  • Evaluating outcomes of sperm DNA fragmentation on IVF outcome and also assessing the DNA fragmentation of sperm that bind to hyaluronic acid.</>
  • Investigating the ability to culture ovarian follicles and tissue in a 3-dimensional media.
  • Investigating the effects of fibroids and endometriosis on fertility.
  • Looking at long term outcomes of women that have had a bowel resection due to severe endometriosis.

Philosophy about infertility treatment

I find treating patients with infertility extremely rewarding. I understand the difficulties of infertility and work to support my patients throughout this difficult journey. Being able to help my patients achieve a healthy pregnancy is the best part of my job and what drew me to the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

Undergraduate Education

Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
B.S. in Biological Sciences 2000
Cum Laude

Medical Education

Wayne State University Medical School
Detroit, MI
M.D. 2005

Residency Training

MetroHealth Medical Center/Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH
Residency in OB/GYN
Completed 6/2009

Infertility Fellowship Training

Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Completed 6/2012


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