Egg Donation Calendar
Example plan for a good donor egg IVF cycle & details for meds and procedure timing
Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago
Donor Egg Specialist Clinic
Our donor egg program has consistently high success rates
Live Birth Rate | Per embryo transfer |
Our 2015 success rates with fresh donor eggs | 83% |
More about our donor eggs success rates
Know the success rates at your clinic before you do egg donation
Links to the US government CDC Report on IVF and Egg Donation Success Rates
Details about egg donation
Egg donation pricing options
Coming here for donor egg IVF - details for recipient couples from out of town
Sample calendar for a treatment cycle of IVF with donor eggs - Using birth control pills for both the donor and the recipient
A sample calendar for an egg donation cycle showing the days various medications are taken and timing of the monitoring and procedures for both the egg donor and the recipient. We actually do our donor egg cycles a little different from this, but it gives the general idea - and it fits nicely on a one month calendar.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Start Lupron Birth Control Pill - D & R |
2 Lupron Birth Control Pill - D & R |
3 Lupron Birth Control Pill - D & R |
4 Lupron Birth Control Pill - D & R |
5 Lupron |
6 Lupron |
7 Lupron |
8 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 1 for donor and recipient (approximate) |
9 Lupron Donor start FSH injections Recipient start estrogen patches or pills Blood and ultrasound Stimulation or Estrogen Day 1 |
10 Lupron FSH Stimulation or Estrogen Day 2 |
11 Lupron FSH Stimulation or Estrogen Day 3 |
12 Lupron FSH Blood test - D Stimulation or Estrogen Day 4 |
13 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound - D Stimulation or Estrogen Day 5 |
14 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound - D Stimulation or Estrogen Day 6 |
15 Lupron, FSH Blood and ultrasound - D Stimulation or Estrogen Day 7 |
16 Lupron, FSH Blood and ultrasound - D Ultrasound - R Stimulation or Estrogen Day 8 |
17 Last Lupron - D & R, HCG injection Blood and ultrasound - D Stimulation or Estrogen Day 9 |
18 Stimulation or Estrogen Day 10 Recipient start progesterone |
19 Egg Retrieval Procedure - D Donor eggs fertilized Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
20 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
21 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
22 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
23 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
24 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone Embryo Transfer (Day 5 blastocyst transfer) - R |
25 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
26 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
27 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
28 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
29 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
30 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
31 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
1 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone |
2 Pregnancy test - R Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone if pregnant |
3 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone if pregnant |
4 Recipient continue estrogen and progesterone if pregnant |
Key to table:
Blood and ultrasound = blood test for hormone levels and transvaginal ultrasound to measure follicle development in the donor's ovaries. For the recipient woman, blood and ultrasound is done a few times to make sure a sufficient endometrial lining is developing.
- R = done on recipient woman
- D = done on egg donor
Lupron = subcutaneous injection of a medication called Lupron. Taken once daily.
FSH = subcutaneous injection of a medication containing follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes follicles containing eggs to develop in the ovaries. The donor takes this.
HCG injection = intramuscular injection of a medication called HCG, which causes the eggs to mature. The donor takes this.
Estrogen - also referred to as E2 = We usually use an estrogen skin patch for donor IVF treatment. However, oral pills, or vaginal tablets, or even intramuscular injections of estrogen will also work. It doesn't really matter which product and route is used to deliver the estrogen.
Progesterone = vaginal cream or suppositories or intramuscular injections of a medication (natural hormone) called progesterone, which helps to prepare a receptive uterine lining for embryo implantation
For out of town donor egg recipient couples:
The days shown with a light blue background on the calendar are those that the male partner must come to our fertility clinic. Please discuss the details with us.
The day shown with a light green background on the calendar are those that the female partner must be in our area. Please discuss the details with us.
The calendar shown above is an example of how the cycle stimulation may evolve. It is possible that the ovarian stimulation process on the egg donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above. The example above shows 9 days of stimulation (FSH shots). The average number of days of taking the FSH injections is 8-10, with the range being about 7-12.
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Welcome to the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago’s blog! Here, you will find information on the latest advancements in fertility care and treatments, including IVF, IUI, third-party reproduction, LGBTQ+ family building, preimplantation genetic testing, and more. Since 1997, we’ve used our experience and continuous investment in the latest fertility technology to help thousands of patients grow their families. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a new patient appointment.