Reproductive Endocrinologist & Infertility Specialist

An image of dr. Reshef

Eli Reshef, M.D. | Fertility Specialist & IVF Doctor in Chicago

Dr. Eli Reshef was born in Israel and followed his future wife to the U.S. after his military service. He attended Arizona State University as an undergraduate and then medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He did his medical training in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Alabama Hospitals in Birmingham, Alabama. Fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility was completed at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.
Dr. Reshef is board certified in both reproductive endocrinology and infertility and obstetrics and gynecology. He has extensive experience in reproductive surgery (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy), including correction of birth defects of the reproductive tract, treatment of endometriosis, removal of fibroids, fallopian tube cannulation and repair, and in vitro fertilization.
His unique background and extensive travel have created a strong sense of social awareness and appreciation for diversity. “I am fortunate to have strong natural curiosity and speak and understand several languages.” Reshef says. “These enable me to continuously seek and learn new information, especially about own my patients’ different backgrounds, and enjoy connecting with them on a unique and personal level”.
“I am so fortunate to have chosen such a rewarding field of medicine where I can make a positive impact on people’s future. Family-building is my passion, and without hesitation I can say that even after many years of service  to the community I still view work as a joy.”

Dr. Eli Reshef Profile



Chairperson of the Board, Emergency Responders Assistance Program (ERAP), 2018-present
President of the Grandmark Homeowners Association, 2021-2022
Board Chairperson, AccessWorks (nonprofit to improve access to playgrounds by people with disabilities), 2016- 2021
Guest lecturer, Westminster Middle School, 1996- 2019 (topics: HIV, STDs, contraception)
Founding member and board member, Oklahoma Alliance of Physicians for Tort Reform, 2004-present
Member, Patients First Coalition (patient advocacy and defining scope of practice), 2008-2020
Board member, Heritage Hall School, Oklahoma City, 2004-2012
Board member, World Neighbors, 2010-2011
Board member, Oklahoma Citizens for Quality Health Care, 2005-2008
Board Member and Vice President, Crown Heights- Edgemere Heights Neighborhood Association, 1998-2001
Board member, Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma, 1993-1998, 2001-2006
Member of executive committee, 1996-1998
Soccer Coach, North Oklahoma City Soccer Club, 1993-1995
Coach, Odyssey of the Mind (creative theater), 1997

Initiating special projects:

Founding member of Oklahoma Alliance of Physicians for Tort Reform (OAPTR) in 2004
Body armor fundraiser (national), 2006
Campaign to assist women who use drugs in pregnancy and creation of taskforce, 2009
Fundraiser for handicapped friend (“Bike for AH”), 2010
Campaign to oppose bill outlawing compensation to egg donors, 2010, 2012
Campaign to boycott Makena and KV Pharmaceutical for overpricing, 2011
Campaign to oppose Fetal Personhood bills, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Campaign for collaboration between Integris Health and Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation on adaptive sports
“Courage on the Water” event at Devon Boathouse, January 2015- Rob Jones, national speaker. (Collaborative effort of INTEGRIS Health, OKCBF, VA Hospital, University of Central Oklahoma, Sabolich Prostheses and Research, USRowing.)
Initiated “Robbie for Rio” campaign, 2016 (underwriting a disabled rower to try for the Olympics)
Fundraiser for a volunteer Fire Department, Rock, Oklahoma, January 2019
Fundraiser for Emergency Responders Assistance Program, February 8, 2019
Coordinate sale of historical crew boat to a rowing club in Michigan, 2019

Hobbies and Recreation:

Rowing (sculling and sweep)
Ballroom dancing, Argentine Tango
Trail running

Honors and Awards

Phi Beta Kappa (ASU)  1980
Holmes Premedical Student Award (ASU)  1980
Outstanding OB/GYN Student (Houston Gyn/Ob Society)  1984
Faculty Teaching Award 1990-1991, 1992-1993, 1994-1995
University of Oklahoma Alumni Association Scholar 1991
Certificate of Appreciation from the Office of Communication and Media Relations,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1993
Physician Who Cares Award, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1994
Circles of Excellence Award, Integris Baptist Medical Center, October 2005
“Hats Off to You” Award, Integris Hospital Employee Activities Recognition Team, 2011
RESOLVE: The National Fertility Association Hope Award for Advocacy, 2012
American Society for Reproductive Medicine Suheil Muasher Distinguished Service Award, 2012
Honorary Chairperson, “A Perfect Finish” fundraiser for Junior rowers, OKC November 2014
Margaret Sanger Award, Planned Parenthood, Great Plains, 2017
Volunteer Faculty Award, St. Anthony’s OB/GYN residency, 2017-2018
Humanitarian award, International Sister Cities, February 2019


  1. Reshef E, Lei ZM, Chegini N, Rao ChV, Luborsky JL.  “The presence of gonadotropin receptors in non-pregnant human uterus, human placenta, fetal membranes, and decidua.”  Journal of Clinical Endocrine and Metabolism 70(2):421-430, 1990.
  2. Reshef E, Foster JC, Daniel WW, Blackwell RE, Younger JB.  “Accuracy of 1-hour vs. 24-hour follow-up film hysterosalpingography”.  Fertil Steril 52(5)753-5, 1989.
  3. Reshef E, Segars JH, Hill GA, Pridham DD, Yussman MA, Wentz AC.  “Luteal phase deficiency follow­ing treatment with human menopausal gonadotropin/human chorionic gonadotropin”.  Fertil Steril 54(6):1012-6, 1990.
  4. Reshef E.  “Fetal Endocrinology”.  PCC News 15(4):1-3, 1989.
  5. Reshef E, Greenberg SB, Jankovic J.  “Herpes zoster ophthamicus followed by contralateral hemiparesis”.  J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 2:122-7, 1985.
  6. Vance ML, Cragun RJ, Reimnitz C, Chang RJ, Reshef E, Blackwell RE, Miller MM, Molitch ME.  “CV 205-502 Treatments of Hyperprolactinemia”.  J Clin Endoc Metab 68(2):336-9, 1989.
  7. Bailey-Pridham DD, Reshef E, Drury K, Cook CL, Hurst HE, Yussman MA.  “Follicular fluid lidocaine levels during transvaginal oocyte retrieval”.  Fertil Steril 53(1):171-3, 1990.
  8. Lei ZM, Reshef E, Rao ChV.  “The expression of human chorionic gonadotropin/human luteinizing hor­mone receptors in human endometrial and myometrial blood vessels”.  Journal of Clinical Endocrine and Metabolism, 75(2):651-659, 1992.
  9. D’Cruz OJ, Reshef E, Haas GG, Cunningham MW.  “Occurrence of cross reactive antigens between hu­man sperm and group A streptococcal membrane antigens”.  Immunological Investigations, 23(4), 1994
  10.   San Roman G, Long CA, Reshef E, Dodds W, Gast MJ. “Monitoring the ovulation induction cycle”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 172 (2 part 2):785-88, 1995
  11.   Reshef E, Haaksma CJ, Bettinger TL, Haas GG, Schafer S, Zavy MT.  “Gamete and embryo microma­nipulation using the Holmium/YAG laser”.
  12.   Atkinson BD, Hales KA, Lightfoot SA, Reshef E, Rayburn WF.  “Effect of single or sequential dosing of prostaglandin E2 on the preterm or term rabbit cervix”.  (Submitted for publication.)
  13.   Haas GG, Reshef E, Manek T, Coulson M. “Improvement in endometrial thickness, cervical mucus scores, and pregnancy rates in anovulatory women after laparoscopic electrocoagulation of androgen-pro­ducing ovarian tissue”. (Submitted for publication)
  14.   Reshef E, Smetana L, Pomp D, Haas GG, Zavy MT. “Preovulatory Progesterone Levels as Outcome Predictor in Assisted Reproductive Technology”
  1.   Reshef E, Lin PC: “Malice in ARTland”, Fertil Steril March 2020
  1.   Jain T, Reshef E, Lin PC. “Fertility Clinics Advertising in the U.S.: Is SART Oversight of Advertising Policy Effective?” Fertil Steril 2021, Jan 115(1):72-73.
  2. May-Tal Sauerbrun-Cutler, MD, Eli Reshef, MD, Phinnara Has, MS, Gary N. Frishman, MD.  “SART advertising guidelines: How likely are member clinics to maintain compliance after resolving their violations?”  Fertil Steril June 2021

Abstracts/Scientific Presentations

  1. Reshef E, Foster JC, Daniel WW, Blackwell RE, Younger JB.  “Accuracy of 1-hour vs 24-hour follow-up film in hysterosalpingography”.  Abstract presented at the American Fertility Society Meeting, Reno, Ne­vada, September 1987.
  2. Reshef E, Prasthofer E, Tilden AB.  “Natural killer cell activity in endometriosis and pelvic adhesions”.  Abstract presented at the American Fertility Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1988.
  1.   Reshef E, Lei ZM, Chegini N, Rao ChV, Luborsky JL.  “The presence of human chorionic/luteinizing hormone (hCG/LH) receptors in non-pregnant human uteri”.  Poster presentation at the Society for Gyne­cological Investigation Annual Meetings, San Diego, March 1989.
  1. Bailey-Pridham DD, Lei ZM, Rao ChV, Reshef E, Luborsky JL.  “The presence of gonadotropin recep­tors in human fallopian tubes”.  Abstract presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, San Francisco, California, 1989.
  2. Reshef E, Lei ZM, Rao ChV.  “Identification of human chorionic gonadotropin/luteinizing hormone (hCG/LH) receptors in blood vessels of the nonpregnant human uterus”.  Poster presentation at the Society of Gynecological Investigation Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, 1990.
  3. Hales K, Lightfoot S, Reshef E, Rayburn W.  “Histologic changes by a single low dose prostaglandin E2 in the preterm rabbit cervix”.  Abstract presented at the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians meeting, San Francisco, California, 1993. 7.    Reshef E, Haaksma CJ, Bettinger TL, Haas GG, Schafer S, Zavy MT.  “Gamete micromanipulation using the Holmium/YAG laser”.  Abstract presented at the American Fertility Society meeting, Montreal, Can­ada, October 1993.
  1. Reshef E, Haaksma CJ, Bettinger TL, Haas GG, Schafer S, Zavy MT.  “Gamete micromanipulation using the Holmium/YAG laser”.  Abstract presented at the American Fertility Society meeting, Montreal, Can­ada, October 1993.
  1. Atkinson BD, Lightfoot SA, Reshef E, Rayburn WF.  “Microscopic changes in the term cervix and upper vagina after single or sequential dosing of low-dose intravaginal PGE2 for cervical ripening.”  Abstract submitted to the Southern Medical Association 87th meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 1993.
  2. D’Cruz OJ, Dunn TS, Haas GG, Reshef E, Cunningham MW.  “Preferential binding of cross-reactive Group A streptococcal anti-DNA monoclonal antibodies to decondensed sperm DNA”.  Abstract presented at Serono Symposium “Immunobiology of Reproduction”, 1993.
  1.   Atkinson BD, Hales KA, Lightfoot SA, Reshef E, Rayburn WF.  “Effect of single or sequential dosing of prostaglandin E2 on the preterm or term rabbit cervix”.  Abstract presented at the Society of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 1994.
  2.   Raskin KS, Zavy MT, Haas GG, Reshef E, Clutter AC. “Effect of Embryo quality score and endometrial thickness on pregnancy establishment and maintenance”. Abstract, American Society of Reproductive Medicine annual meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 1997.
  3. Jain T, Reshef E, Lin P. Fertility Clinic Advertising in the United States: is the Society for Reproductive Technology oversight of advertising policy effective? Fertility and Sterility, October 2020 (DOI:

Book Chapters

  1. Rao ChV, Reshef E, Lei ZM.  “Gonadotropin receptors in nongonadal reproductive tissues”.  Chapter for Assisted Reproductive Technology/Andrology, E.S.E. Hafez, Editor.  1991;1:241-53.
  2. Reshef E, Wild RA.  “Hyperandrogenic effects on lipid metabolism”.  Chapter for Infertility and Repro­ductive Medicine Clinics of North America.  Edited by Pittaway D.  July 1991.
  3. Reshef E, Sanfilippo JS.  “Congenital abnormalities of the breast”.  Chapter for Congenital Abnormalities and Their Treatment.  Edited by Verkauf BS.  (Appleton and Lange), 1993
  4. Reshef E, Casale AJ, Sanfilippo JS.  “Urological abnormalities in the adolescent female”.  Chapter for the 3rd edition of H. Buchsbaum, Gynecologic and Obstetric Urology.  WB Saunders, 1993.
  5. Reshef E, Sanfilippo JS.  “Tubal Surgery-Distal”.  Chapter in Operative Gynecology, edited by Gershenson, DeCherney, Curry WB.  Saunders, 1993 .
  6. Reshef E, Wild RA.  “Abnormal Gonadotropins”.  Chapter for Decision Making in Reproductive Endocri­nology.  Edited by Schlaff WD, and Rock JA.  Blackwell Scientifice Publications, 1993.
  7. Reshef E, Sanfilippo JS:  “Laparoscopic surgery of the uterus – myomectomy”.  Chapter for Manual of Laparoscopic Surgery, edited by Monif GRG, Garcia-Padial J.  Parthenon Press, 1993.
  8. Reshef E, Sanfilippo JS:  “Hysteroscopic evaulation and therapy of Mullerian anomalies”.  Chapter for Current Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynecology, edited by Quilligan EJ, Zuspan FP, 1994.
  9. Reshef E, Levine N, Sanfilippo JS. “Congenital breast malformations”.  Chapter for Diagnosis and Man­agement of Breast Disease for Gynecologist. Grotting and Blackwell (Eds), Blackwell Scientific Publica­tions, Inc, 1996.
  10.   Reshef E, Sanfiliippo JS. “Cannulation of the proximal fallopian tube”.  Chapter for Cohen SM (Ed), Op­erative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy , Churchill-Livingston, 1996.
  11. Sanfilippo JS, Reshef E. “Myomectomy in the Infertile Patient”.  Chapter for Maclin V, Bieber E (Eds), Myomectomy, 1998 
  1.   Reshef E, Simpson JM. “Ready Reference Tables for Preventive Health Care and Health Maintenance”. Chapter in Sanfilippo JS, Smith RP (Eds) Primary Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Springer 1998.

Misc. Publications

  1. Book Review:  Reshef E:  Essential Endocrinology:  A primer for nonspecialists (by C.R. Kanaan).  In:  Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology, 2(2):Spring 1989.
  2. Book Review:  Reshef E, Yussman MA:  Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinolgoy and Infertility (by Speroff, Glass and Kase), fourth edition.  In:  Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology, 3(1):Winter 1990.
  3. Reshef E, Sanfilippo JS:  Board questions in Obstetrics and Gynecology for the Core Content Review of Family Medicine.
  4. Literature Review:  Reshef E:  “New imaging techniques in the diagnosis of Mullerian anomalies”.  Ado­lescent and Pediatric Gynecology, 3(3):1990.
  5. Literature Review:  Reshef E:  “Bone loss in adolescence”.  Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology, 4(2):1991
  6. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Obstetrics and Gynecology Journal Club, 6(4):October 1990.
  7. American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology Division.  Written examina­tion questions for 1995.
  8. “A Tale of Quackery, Diet, and a Fertility Medication”, Oklahoma County Medical Society Bulletin, November 2010

Printed Media/Op-Eds

“The menopause” Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City).  October 1990
“The menopause” and “OCP’s over 40” Does Anybody Know My Name? (Oklahoma City).  March 1991
“Interactions of OCP’s with other medications” Glamour magazine.  April 1991
“Assisted Reproductive Technology” Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City).  October 1991
“Interactions of OCP’s with other medications “Chatelaine magazine, Canada.  October 1991
“Egg Donation” Oklahoma Gazette (Oklahoma City).  December 1991
“Physician Apathy” – Editorial.  Oklahoma Gazette (Oklahoma City).  June 1993
“Infertility” – Comments in “Age Erasers for Men and Women” Rodale Press.
“Micromanipulation”  Daily Oklahoman, February 1995
“Assisted Reproductive Technology”, Decisions, July 1995
“Bennett Fertility Institute expands”, The Journal Record, February 1997
“Bennett Fertility Institute”, MD News, December 1997
“Assisted Reproductive Technology”, Journal Record, March 1999
“Assisted Reproductive Technology”, Friday, April 1999
“New Procedure”, MD News, April/May 1999
“Infertility”, Nichols Hills Magazine, May 1999
“Infertility”, Friday, April 1999
“Infertility”, Daily Oklahoman, December 2003
“Assisted Reproduction”, Historical Living, February 2000
“Assisted Reproduction, Friday, February 2004
“Egg Donation”, Oklahoma Gazette, March 2004
“Tort reform”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, July 2004
“Tort Reform”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, February 2005
“Tort reform”, Friday, February 2005
“Munich”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, February 2006
“Tort reform”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, March 2006
“Tort reform”, Journal Record, March 2006
“Physician Raises Funds for Body Armor”, Daily Oklahoman, August 2006
“Operation Body Armor”, Maariv Israeli daily, August 2006
“Operation Body Armor”, U.S. News and World Report, September 2006
“Operation Body Armor”, Jewish Ledger, October 2006
“Losing to Texas in Healthcare”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, November 2006
“Henry Should Veto SB714”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, April 2007
“Cool Dads”, Nichols Hills Magazine, June 2007
“Assisted Reproductive Technology”, Nichols Hills Magazine, July 2007
“Henry falling short on reform”, Op-Ed in Daily Oklahoman, May 2008
“China- I am glad I met Ya”, Oklahoma County Medical Society Journal, June 2008
“China.” Nichols Hills Magazine, July 2008
“China”, Integris Inside, November 2008
“Deadly Medicine and the Thick Gray Line”, Oklahoma State Medical Journal, January 2008
“Tort Reform”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, February 2009
“Health Care Reform”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, August 2009
“Egg Donation Bill”, AP Service (Oklahoman, Tulsa World, Enid Eagle), February 26, 2010
“Egg Donation Bill”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, March 2010
“Place Oklahoma policy focus where it belongs”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, December 2010
“Fetal Personhood Bills a Bad Idea”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, March 2011
“Personhood”, Newsweek/Daily Beast, February 2012
“Unintended Results of Personhood Bill”, Op-Ed in the Daily Oklahoman, February 2012
“What Are the Odds?”, Slice Magazine, Oklahoma City, October 2012
“Reshef is Lauded for Medical Achievements”, Friday Magazine, October 2012
OKC doctor: Planned Parenthood defunding would curtail reproductive care options”, Daily Oklahoman, August 2015
“Assad’s Ultimate Betrayal of Every Physician’s Oath”, Daily Oklahoman, February 2016
“OKC Physician: A different Oath for Lawmakers to Take?”, Oklahoman, May 2016
“Oklahoma Physician: Education Central for Remembering Holocaust”, Oklahoman, April 2018
“Point of View: Blame Politicians, not the Court”, Oklahoman, May 2019
“Point of View: Big Downside to Premature Return to Normal”, Oklahoman, May 2020
“Point of View: Importance of Distancing Measures Can’t be Overstated”, Oklahoman, August 2020
“Opinion: Regarding COVID, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee”, Oklahoman, November 2020
“Opinion: With COVID, don’t let your Guard Down!”, Oklahoman, January 2021
“Opinion: Pandemic Anger”, Oklahoman, November 2021
“Roe Vs. Wade Impact on Assisted Reproduction”- interviews by Wall Street Journal, UPI, Boston Globe, USA Today, Oklahoman, WebMD, AMA News June-July 2022

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