Sperm Morphology Scoring

Images of Sperm Morphology | Understanding Male Fertility

Fixed and stained human sperm pictures from our IVF lab

  • Sperm morphology scoring tells us what percent of the sperm are shaped normally
  • Very low morphology scores are associated with male infertility problems
  • Most fertility clinics (including ours) use the “Kruger strict morphology” criteria
  • Using the strict criteria, a relatively low percentage of sperm will be considered to be normal
  • At lease 200 stained sperm are examined with very high magnification to determine if the heads, neck pieces and tails are normal
  • The WHO (World Health Organization) now defines normal morphology as having 4% or more normal forms
  • Due to variations in scoring criteria and the subjective nature of morphology grading, morphology scores can vary significantly between laboratories (on the same sperm specimen)
  • If the sperm count and the motility are normal, a moderately low morphology score might not be indicative of a male fertility problem


Several sperm shown on a morphology slide
Special stains and fixatives are used to prepare sperm for morphology evaluation


Highly magnified human sperm with normal morphology
Human sperm are 55 microns in length – 460 sperms lined up head to tail equals 1 inch


This sperm is morphologically normal – it has a normal shape


Abnormal morphology with tapered head


Another tapered head abnormality


Pinhead sperm


Sperm showing amorphous head


Short tail sperm


Small round sperm head abnormality


Bent neck sperm


Sperm photo – abnormal morphology
Head is too round, abnormal mid-piece


Abnormal head shape – also with cytoplasmic droplets


Unusual situation with very abnormal sperm morphology
Picture shows sperm heads, sperm tails and sperm with very short tails
This man did not have any normal sperm


Picture of human sperm as we see them in a counting chamber (Makler)
This tool is used to determine sperm counts (concentration) and motility percentages